About us

A childhood in Paris in an artistic family environment.

A studious adolescence and a growing interest in luxury crafts.

Faraway travels.

Then multiple stays in Brazil in the family home and the chance encounter with a colorful jeweler.

The discovery of a fascinating universe through visits to his workshop and the desire to learn more, as a self-taught person.

A revelation in discovering that many fine stones, sometimes rare, often magnificent, were unknown, and the desire to share this wonder by creating and making jewelry that would sublimate these splendors of nature, as an amateur.

Some time later...

Several confinements and questionings.

Many difficulties to overcome, notably those of the research and purchase of high quality precious and fine stones.

Finally a decision: to live this passion to the fullest and share it.

The "birth" of AGRIATES is the result of this long journey.

This name was naturally imposed by my attachment to this region of Corsica, dazzling, wild, inexhaustible source of inspiration and cradle of a family branch.