
There are 3 categories of ornamental stones:
- Precious stones
- Fine stones
- Organic stones
There are 4 types of gemstones
- Diamond
- The Emerald
- The Ruby
- The Sapphire
Fine stones include most other natural stones.
The organic stones are from the plant world (Amber, Jet ...) and animal (Coral, Pearl, Mother of Pearl)
The name does not necessarily reflect the value. Indeed, some rare and beautiful stones can be more expensive than precious stones.
Here is some information on a selection of fine and precious stones that make up our jewelry:
It is a stone with all shades of green and blue. It can also be found in yellow, pink or purple.
Its name comes from the Greek word for "to deceive", as it is difficult to recognize because of its resemblance to various types of stones, such as topaz, tourmalines or beryl.
A good cut reveals bright and luminous colors.
It is a soft and delicate stone that is easily scratched. It should not be brought into contact with acidic products.
Apatite deposits are found in Brazil, Austria, Burma, the USA, Portugal, Mexico and Madagascar.
On the emotional level, it would improve the quality of the voice by reducing emotionality and would promote a certain ease in communicating in groups. It would reinforce self-confidence.
It belongs to the Feldspar groups and got its name from its discovery in the Amazon.
It is found in Brazil, South Africa, India and Russia.
Its color ranges from blue to pale green to turquoise.
On the emotional level it is the stone of the joy of living.
It would block negative emotions, would help to relativize difficult situations and to live the present moment.
It would favor spontaneity, would encourage human contact and would have a protective action against electromagnetic waves.
Agate takes its name from the river Achates in Sicily, where it was discovered and found in abundance. It is a variety of Chalcedony and belongs to the Quartz family.
It is found in many parts of the world.
It has been used since the High Antiquitý. It was used to make jewellery and objects such as vases.
Natural agates are generally grey, blue, green, red, black.
The porosity of Agate allows it to be artificially colored.
The deposits are found in Brazil, Uruguay, Canada, Russia, Iceland...
Some of its virtues:
It is said to promote self-confidence, calmness and good luck. It is considered as a protective stone which would neutralize the negative energies.
Justine, Come necklaces
Aventurine is a varietý of quartz.
Aventurine comes in several colors: the most frequently encountered is green.
There are also blue, pinkish, brown or orange-red aventurines.
The main exploitable deposits of aventurine are in South America (Brazil), North America (USA), but also in Asia, especially in China and India. There is also a certain amount in Europe, especially in Germany, Russia and Austria.
On the emotional level it would calm the strong emotions, would support the relaxation and would play a role of protection.
Belonging to the Quartz group, it is a variety of Chalcedony of bright colors, red, pink, orange, semi-translucent, of the Agate’s family.
It comes from Brazil, India, Madagascar, Uruguay, Peru, the USA and Australia.
Emotionally, it is considered the stone of vitality, creativity and success. It would strengthen self-esteem, promote concentration, eliminate negative thoughts, calm anger and jealousy.
It was used by Tibetans and Buddhists for its protective and healing powers.
Salome necklace
Its name comes from the Greek Chrysos meaning golden and prason meaning leek to describe its color.
Part of a variety of nickeliferous chalcedony.
It comes from Australia, South Africa, USA, Madagascar, India, Russia
Its colors range from pale to dark green to apple green.
At the emotional level it is the stone of renewal and balance in relationships. It would strengthen intuition and luck in business.
Arthur, Palm Springs, Leonor bracelets
Rock Crystal and Quartz:
It belongs to the Quartz group.
It is a Hyalin quartz, which means that it is uncolored and transparent.
It consists of silicon dioxide.
Rock crystal is as clear as clear water and represents purity and perfection.
The word crystal comes from the Greek "Krystallos" meaning "ice" and refers to this crystalline dimension.
It can also be found in colored forms that are rarely transparent (pink, blue, yellow quartz).
There are also other varieties such as:
Smoky Quartz, Diamond Quartz (Herkimer Diamond Crystal), Rutile Quartz in which there are golden needle-shaped inclusions, Tourmaline Quartz in which there are black tourmaline inclusions.
It is found in Brazil, Madagascar, the USA, Europe...
The virtues of the Rock Crystal:
It is a powerful stone that emits, receives and amplifies energy. It would be linked to the mind. It would unblock and channel energies and eliminate negativity. It would promote imagination, meditation and would reduce the effects of stress, anxiety, to bring a feeling of well-being. Placed next to another stone, the properties of the latter would be multiplied tenfold.
The Pink Quartz would be the stone of the heart and love. It is said to have soothing properties that help to overcome negative emotions. It would stimulate the imagination and would reinforce the self-esteem.
Palm Springs , Liam bracelets,
Amazonia, Maya, Lena, Pondicherry, Deep Blue, Goa, Toucan necklaces
Emerald belongs to the group of Silicates, it is one of the four precious stones. It is a variety of green beryl.
Its color comes from the presence of chromium and vanadium elements.
Depending on where it comes from, emerald comes in all shades of green, from the intense color of Colombian gems to the generally much lighter tones of Brazilian stones, including the blue-green typical of Russian or African emeralds, and the fir green.
In addition to Brazil and Colombia, there are deposits in Madagascar, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Pakistan.
On the emotional level it is the stone of knowledge and harmony.
Emerald has many virtues. It would have beneficial effects on the physical, moral and spiritual level. It would energize the immune system.
It would harmonize the social and love relationships by calming passions, by encouraging benevolence, and would value honesty and uprightness.
Garnet :
Garnet comes from the Latin "malum granatum", the name of a grain apple, which today refers to Grenada.
There is a very large variety in different colors:
Red/brown called Almandine
Intense red called Pyrope
Orange/brown called Spessartite
Dark red/purple called Rhodolite
Green called Grossular
Intense green Tsavorite, rare and precious
Yellow green/brown Demantoid, very rare and valuable
Garnet is found in Russia, Tanzania, Brazil, Namibia, Mozambique, Kenya, Madagascar, Pakistan and India.
At the emotional level, it would be considered as the stone of change which would help to overcome obstacles. It would provide joy of living and inner strength by removing negative feelings.
Bracelets Pise, Nevada, Andy, Emma, Tiger, Zenith, Jacaranda, Mustang, Grenade, Carthage, Alice
Necklaces Amande, Pondicherry, Jacaranda, Litchi
It is a grey, opaque stone, more rarely transparent.
Labradorite has the particularity to present nice metallic reflections, due to what is called the Schiller effect or the adularescence which is a shimmering under the surface of the stone.
Labradorite's color chips are predominantly yellow or blue. A variety of this mineral, called spectrolite, shows all shades of the light spectrum, somewhat reminiscent of the iridescent interior of shells.
Although the appearance and colors are sometimes similar, labradorite should not be confused with opal or moonstone.
It is found mainly in Canada, Finland, Norway, Russia, USA and Madagascar.
Its virtues:
It is considered THE stone of protection and regeneration.
It is the stone of the practitioners who would protect them from the disease and the malaise of their patients, acting as a shield which would absorb the negative energies.
It would promote intuition, inspiration, inner calm and well-being in general.
Bracelets Cordoue, Sofia, Gamboa, Zénith, Alice, Jacaranda, Nazaré, Itacaré, Madras, Cartagène, Lune
Necklaces Salome, Belize, Iman, Pondicherry, Adelaide, Jacaranda, Mésange, Safari
Lapis Lazuli:
Lapis lazuli is a stone that means Blue Stone.
Lapis lazuli is blue to blue-indigo in color.
It is the presence of sulfur that gives it its beautiful azure color.
This stone is often strewn with small white spots due to the presence of calcite, or golden spots, if it is pyrite.
It is nowadays found mainly in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the USA and Russia.
On the emotional level it was considered the stone of wisdom in ancient Egypt.
It would stimulate clairvoyance, creativity and develop intuition. It would be the stone of the shy and introverted people who would help them to acquire more self-confidence. It would strengthen the love relationships.
Lapis is the symbol of the 56th year of marriage.
Bracelets Emma, Tiger, Léo, Papaye, Carthage, Madras, Ramses
Necklaces Amazonia, Goa, Toucan, Pondicherry, Ramses
From the Sanskrit "Upala" meaning gemstone.
The beauty of the iridescent reflections it sometimes displays makes it a highly sought-after gemstone.
Unlike other gems, opal comes in many varieties: white, blue, red, black and even colorless. What makes it unique is its rainbow and brilliant appearance, which varies depending on the angle of view and the intensity of the light.
The most beautiful opals come from Australia. The most sought after is the black opal.
Boulder opal is characterized by the contrast between the rough rock and the multi-colored veins.
The Ethiopian opal is a precious opal that has been discovered recently. It is characterized by being very bright and multi-colored. The most beautiful Ethiopian opals come from Welo.
Opals are also found in other African countries, in South America... Fire opal is orange or red in color. It is mainly found in Mexico, Guatemala and Brazil.
The common opal (opaque opal that goes from white to blue and green, pink opal, yellow opal) is found in Peru, Brazil, Madagascar and Africa.
Opal care:
Precious Opals are fragile.
With the exception of Ethiopian opal, which should never get wet because of its porosity, Australian opal should never be allowed to dry out or it will crack. It can be cleaned using warm water, washing up liquid and a soft brush to remove traces of grease and dirt.
It should also be avoided being exposed to sunlight and high temperatures or coming into contact with chemicals, household products and perfumes.
At the emotional level: considered as stone of love and wisdom, symbol of purity in ancient Greece.
It would preserve the spirit of the negative waves and would have a purifying power. It would stimulate self-confidence.
Symbol of the 21st year of marriage.
Bracelets Ramses
Necklaces Justine, Adelaide, Pondicherry, Mésange, Ispahan, Opale, Dahlia, Ramses
An iron disulphide, pyrite is a widespread mineral found in many types of rock. It is relatively easy to identify because of its brassy yellow color, metallic luster and crystal geometry.
It was called fool's gold because of the confusion it caused among gold seekers who mistook it for a gold nugget.
It comes from Brazil, Canada, India, Pakistan, Russia, China, Australia
Some of its virtues:
It would bring wealth, success, abundance and more confidence to the people who wear it. It would stimulate the memory and would help to a more logical, more ordered, more rational thought.
Bracelets Pise, Cordoue, Liam, Tulum, Leo, Zenith
Necklaces Iman
It is composed of magnesium, iron and silica
Peridot is always green in color. Its shades vary according to the content of chromium, nickel and especially iron, the main coloring element. The more iron is present, the more pronounced the color. The most sought-after peridot is bright golden-green to bright green.
The main deposits are located in South Africa, Australia, Burma, Brazil, Norway, Zaire, the United States, Pakistan, New Mexico, China and Vietnam.
Its virtues:
It would help to take decisions. It would appease melancholy, resentment, anger, jealousy and black ideas by neutralizing the negative energies.
Côme, Lena necklaces
Moonstone simply owes its name to its resemblance to the moon. The Greeks and Romans believed that this stone was a solidified moonbeam.
It is a mineral of the Feldspar family.
It is a transparent to translucent stone with a vitreous and pearly luster. Moonstone is composed of thin feldspar layers and this bluish sheen, called adularescence, is caused by the interference of light with these feldspar layers.
Moonstone is usually colorless, but it can be white or have bluish tones. Indian moonstone has a glassy appearance and colors that have shades of white, grey, beige, brown and orange.
Moonstone with a bluish to grey/blue adularescence is quite rare and is found mainly in Sri Lanka.
It should be noted that the gem called "White Rainbow Moonstone" on which the adularescence plays a large role, is part of the same family as true Moonstone.
It is a variety of white labradorite, which when faceted and of fine quality has a fascinatingly beautiful luster.
Mined deposits are mainly in India and Sri Lanka, but it is also found in the United States, Madagascar, Burma, Australia and Brazil, as well as Tanzania.
At the emotional level it would support the harmonious relations, the creativity. It would calm the anxious, hyperactive persons, and would appease the anxieties.
Madras bracelets
Agra, Fireworks, Litchi, Pondicherry, Belize necklace
Ruby Zoisite or Anyolite:
It refers to a rock composed of three minerals: green Zoisite, red (opaque) Ruby and black Amphibole.
The most sought-after quality is the one with the two clear and well-contrasting colors of red Ruby and green Zoisite,
The deposits are mainly in Tanzania.
Bracelets Cacao, Emma, Cassis, Mustang
Ruby is a red corundum.
Ruby comes from the Latin "ruber" etymological root of "red". It is a precious stone.
The most beautiful and rare rubies are deep and intense red, sometimes turning pink. They come from Burma.
The more violet rubies come from Thailand and Sri Lanka. Their color and brightness are enhanced under electric light.
They are also found in Africa and America.
Its virtues:
The Ruby was linked to heart health in ancient times and would be linked to happiness in all its forms.
Symbolizes the 35th year of marriage.
Like the ruby, the sapphire is a corundum. It is one of the four precious stones.
The word sapphire comes from the Greek sappheiros meaning "blue".
Sapphire can come in many colors depending on the coloring elements it contains: iron and titanium for blue stones, iron for yellow and green, vanadium for purple, chromium for pink...
The most beautiful blue sapphires come from Kashmir and Sri Lanka.
Sapphire deposits are found in India, Burma, Brazil, Australia, Madagascar, Thailand, Africa and the USA.
At the emotional level it symbolizes harmony, wisdom and truth. It would soothe anger, stimulate concentration and regulate hyperactivity.
It symbolizes the 16 years of marriage
Rosy bracelets
Necklaces Victoria, Fireworks, Mésange, Goa, Litchi, Amande, Toucan
The name tourmaline is derived from the Sinhalese "turmali" which means "stones with mixed colors".
There are many colors of tourmaline, some common like the varietý elbaite (colorless, blue, green, pink) and others much rarer like the varietý Water melon bicolor (pink in the center, green on the edges, like watermelon...).
Black tourmaline, quite brilliant, is opaque and sometimes has green shades.
Rubellite is a bright, deep red.
Afghan tourmaline from the Kunar Valley is pale pink and soft green.
Indicolite is a deep blue.
The rare Brazilian Tourmaline from Paraiba has a range of blue tones.
Others are pink, yellow, orange, or grey...
The majority of tourmalines today come from Brazil. But, depending on the colors and varieties, these stones can come from Afghanistan, India, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Burma, Mozambique, Angola, Australia, Thailand, Russia
Its virtues: it would have a positive influence on the mental and physical health of the people who carry it. It would help to manage well the situations of stress, sadness and would absorb the negative energies.
It symbolizes the 52nd year of marriage.
Bracelets Rosy, Bali, Haydée, Cassis, Jacaranda, Léonor
Necklaces Maya, Lena, Adelaïde, Jacaranda, Mésange, Goa, Amande
Blue topaz is a member of the silicate family. It gives off a beautiful blue iridescence and can be translucent.
Naturally blue topaz is usually a pale, soft blue, while treated stones can have very intense blues. Some shades have names, Sky Blue, the one we use, has a soft aquamarine-like hue, Swiss Blue is a brighter blue color, London Blue is blue-grey.
Topaz is particularly popular because of its variety of colors: it can be found in white, yellow, orange, pink, blue-green, violet, and sometimes even multi-colored. It is usually pure to the eye and can be found in large sizes. It has a bright sheen. Different colors can be seen on some topazes depending on the angle from which they are viewed.
Deposits in Brazil, USA, Africa, Australia, Norway, Russia
The virtues which one lends to him:
It would consolidate the social relations, would release the fears and would fight against the depression by removing the stress.
The Topaz symbolizes the 44th year of marriage.
Haydée bracelets
This stone takes its name from the country where it was discovered, Tanzania.
It is the only place in the world where it can be found today.
It belongs to the Zoisite family. It is a blue Zoisite.
Tanzanite is appreciated for its blue color with changing reflections. However, it also exists in shades of green, yellow, pink, orange... Some are multicolored.
The most prestigious and beautiful of these tanzanites is the "chameleon" with incredible reflections. The majoritý of tanzanite used in jewellery have been heated to intensify their natural color and soften the brown tones.
Tanzanite, is only found in Tanzania, and this is still the only place in the world where it is mined. The mines are located in the territory of the Maasai, who own 95% of the trade in this stone.
Much rarer than diamond, and mined from deep in the earth where the heat is barely bearablè the price of tanzanite is increasingly high́ as demand far outstrips supply. As the area concerned is only 20 km2, the deposits will certainly be exhausted in the not-too-distant future...
Tanzanite is fragile. It should not be worn during sports or manual work.
Its virtues: It would stimulate the imagination and the creativity. It is considered as the stone of the artists and the creators.
Symbol of the 24th year of marriage.
Turquoise is a light blue to apple green phosphate of aluminum and copper. It is an opaque mineral whose name comes from "Turkey stone".
Turquoise comes in shades ranging from deep azure to intense green.
It depends on the elements it contains. The more copper, the bluer the turquoise.
If it contains more chromium and vanadium it will be green.
Turquoise can tarnish or change color and appearance if it dries out.
It should therefore not be exposed to sunlight and high temperatures. Avoid contact with household cleaners, chlorine, and other aggressive products.
Turquoise often has dark veins, called matrix, due to the presence of other minerals in the cracks. This is not a defect but part of the charm of turquoise.
It often undergoes a stabilizing treatment consisting of injecting a resin. This treatment allows the color to last longer.
The purchase of a piece of jewellery composed of natural or stabilized turquoise is a personal matter and the final choice will depend on the desire of each person to have entirely natural stones or stones whose color will last over time.
Turquoise-tinted stones are available in either dyed stone or compressed powder form.
Turquoise is often found in desert areas. It is found around the Red Sea, in Mexico, the United States, Afghanistan, China, Israel, Brazil, Iran and Africa.
All mines have their own particularities and their origin determines the appearance and color of the turquoise.
Natural turquoise is expensive. This is why it is widely imitated on the market.
Some of its virtues:
It would absorb the bad energies, the bad thoughts and would support the social relations.
It would stimulate the immune system.
Symbol of the 18th year of marriage.
Bracelets Ocean, Itacaré, Leonor, Nevada, Andy, Gamboa, Tulum